LIBIGIRL female enhancement pills are natural supplement designed specifically for women of all ages. Like a men women also want longer time interval of sex climax. Actually these days the expectations of both men and women has risen up even in sexual life. They all want more and more with longer arousal and wow climax. So medicine industry focused on making something precious and vital for women and it came up in the shape of “LIBIGIRL FEMALE ENHANCMENT PILLS”.
The LIBIGIRL sexual enhancer includes so many same ingredients you would find in a daily multi vitamin we intake BUT with a few extra key ingredients that promote positive sex mood, give you abundant energy, lovemaking ejaculation, and even assists with excitement in most women. LIBIGIRL may also help you maintain a health pH.
Libigirl Capsule reviews has been taken and it is summarized as the women sex enhancer capsules. Like men, women also wants large sexual interval and better climax and it can only be done when Libigirl capsule helps them.
SKU: Libigirl
- Cordyceps Sinensis: Increase energy, stimulate stamina, and reduce fatigue.
- Flat-Stem Milkvetch helps with kidney function.
- Chinese Dodder Seed is used to treat vaginal discharge and help you conceive sperms.
- Ligustrum is used to enhance female sexual desire.
- Cnidium is used to increase libido and sexual performance.
- Dong Quai is used to treat symptoms associated with PMS and menstrual cramps.
- Astragalus root help with circulation and strengthens the immune system.
- Korean Ginseng is used to rejuvenate your body and remove stress.
- Schizandra Fruit is used to decrease stress and increase energy.
- L-Arginine works for hormones in your body.
- L-Lysine improves performance.
- L-Glutamine used again to help treat depression, anxiety and irritability.
Suggested Dosage: Libigirl female enhancement pills can be taken 30-60 minutes before sexual activity, however, for best results take it 3-4 hours before sexual activity.
No Side Effects: No instances of side effects and any disorder reported yet. However every medicine may cause some side effects depending upon the body and physical conditions.
Precaution: For patients with heart disease, myocardial impaction malfunction or liver of kidney, pregnant women, breast feeding or any serious illness and disease, do consult doctor before its use. Do not take it twice within 24hours. Keep away from children.