STREET OVERLORD is proved to be up until now the safest and the most effective and totally addiction free,penis enhancing health care product.the ingredients include the herbal medicine from Europe,China and Latin America,which are proves by scientifie experiments to possess the functions of stimulation the growth of penis,propeling the blood circulation inside the penis,bringing up the sexual heat,maintaining the erectile stiffness and enlarging the sexual euphoria.Only one grain before having sex,you can enjoy the above effects.The Goods has selected the best materials of the highest class from all over the world,and guaranteed the quality of the highest class of every ingredient.In the process of producing,each procedure involves the strictest test,thus the Goods'highest quality has been guaranteed.
[Ingredients] Epimedium Leaf Extract,Cuscuta Seed Extract,Ginko Biloba Leaf,Asian red Ginseng,Saw Palmetto Berry,Muira Pauma Bark Extract,Catuaba Bark Extract,hawthorn Berry.
[Functions] 1,Adds 3 inches(6cm) to the penis length,and over 1 inch to the diameter,in average. 2,huger and stouter during erection. 3,Easier control over ejaculation 4,stronger and more exciting sexual orgasms 5,Completely cures the early ejaculation.
[Target Crowd]If your are bothered by the size of your penis,the softness of your erection,the short time of your erection,the absence of sexual urge,the atrophy of penis,early ejaculation,please choose the STREET OVERLORD!STREET OVERLORD is the best way to aggrandize your penis and enhance the penis health condition.
[Usage and Amount]STREET OVERLORD is a complete natural prescription,take only one grain before sexual interecourses.
[Caution]To be kept without the reach of children.
[Specification]Supper inspissation 2 grain/4grainx8800mgx12boxes
[Expiration Time]3 years
[Storage]Sealed in cool and dry environment.
[Executing standard]Q/LZF-012-2006
[Authorized Document Number]Gang wei shizhun(2006)No.036